Family Foundations 5 (FF5) Free, grant-based literacy-based programs for babies and preschoolers offered at Hitchcock and other community sites. All children ages 2-5 and their caregivers are welcome.
Family Foundations 5 is a Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant that is funded by the Department of Early Education and Care, and awarded to the Union 61 School District. Its program offers free, high-quality playgroups and literacy programs and provides access to local resources/supports to strengthen families, promote optimal child development, and bolster school readiness.
Family Foundations 5 serves the families of the Union 61 school district in Brimfield, Brookfield, Holland, Sturbridge and Wales, offering a variety of weekly indoor and outdoor programs, in addition to special programs with a number of community partners throughout the year. Please email Sarah at [email protected] if you have any questions or call 774.241.8074.
Weekly Family Foundations 5 Programs at Hitchcock Please note that Family Foundations 5 follows the Tantasqua calendar and suspends programs when there is no school due to vacation and/or weather-related delays and cancellations. Stay tuned for a start date for Fall 2024 programming! Follow FF5 on Facebook for immediate updates.
Music & Movement Wednesdays 9am - 10am Outdoors on back lawn, weather-permitting
Tinker Thursdays 9-10am
FF5 hosts additional programs at other locations. Please click below to see a full calendar of events.